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Edit jboss.jcml and add something like this:
<mbean code="org.talika.jsm.LDAPSecurityModuleService" name="DefaultDomain:service=LDAPSecurityModule"> <attribute name="InstanceName">LDAPSecurity</attribute> <attribute name="Url">ldap://</attribute> <attribute name="BindDN" /> <attribute name="Password" /> <attribute name="SearchBase">dc=talika, dc=org</attribute> </mbean>
An user in the LDAP tree shold see something like this:
dn: uid=admin, dc=talika, dc=org objectclass: j2eeAccount uid: admin role: Manager role: Operator
Edit jboss.jcml and add something like this:
<mbean code="org.talika.jsm.DatabaseSecurityModuleService" name="DefaultDomain:service=DatabaseSecurityModule"> <attribute name="InstanceName">DatabaseSecurity</attribute> <attribute name="DataSource">DefaultDS</attribute> </mbean>
You must have configured DefaultDS or the datasource you want to use.
At the database you should have 2 tables like:
CREATE TABLE j2ee_users ( username VARCHAR(256) PRIMARY KEY, password VARCHAR(256) ); CREATE TABLE j2ee_roles ( username VARCHAR(256), rolename VARCHAR(256), PRIMARY KEY (username, rolename) );